Thursday, June 27, 2019

Man needs religion for PEACE not for conflict.


From where we came to this world, why are we here for a limited period and which is our final destination. Man needs to be controlled in all aspects of his life. Even a small child needs to be occasionally threatened from doing mischief. Hence we have constitutions, laws, government, police etc. But man-made laws are with many flaws. That is why constantly amendments are being made to the 196 national constitutions. The best control for man is his own self control. Intelligence of men is a boon as long as it is guided properly. The same can become a problem like HIV, Nuclear Bombs, Terrorism, Climatic Changes etc.  OUR intelligence  should be governed by some universal laws which is called religion.  Religion is a way of life, an universal set of rules to govern each moment of our life.  Due to materialism policy, humans have started to adapt policies like animals.  An "educated" medical doctor sometimes is stealing kidney from the innocent patients for mere materialistic gain. A well educated advocate is known for his knowledge of loopholes in the legal system. 
         Hence we need to follow and propagate the idea of "ACCOUNTABILITY exists even after this mortal life ". Otherwise chaos and confusion will be creep into the society slowly and steadily.  


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tamil Nadu Wakf Properties Management

ACCOUNTABILITY    exists    even  after  this   mortal  LIFE. 
JUSTICE  will  be  achieved in perfection in the LIFE  after death.  This   is   the   fundamental    belief  of  the  muslims  living  in   this   world.  This also the base of all world major religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islaam.
Govt   Sources   states  that  the   Wakf  Board is the 3rd largest  land   owner   in  the   nation   after     Indian Railways   and  the   Defence   department.  All  the   state  
wakfs   functions under the respective state  govs  with  the  Central  Wakf  being  the  WATCHDOG of the whole setup.
Anyone in the state of Tamil Nadu can identify any wakf property and draft a proper plan to utilise it as per the wishes of the wakf deed. We will arrange all the legal procedure and get it approved in the wakf board for its proper implementation.